Choosing the right tool for your woodworking project can be like trying to build a house with a hammer: it’s possible, but not the most effective way. When you need precision cuts and a smooth surface on your workpiece, a wood planer is the best choice.

With so many sizes and features available, finding the right planer can seem daunting. In this article, we will look at how to determine what size wood planer is best for you. We will discuss types of planers, features to consider, price points, and warranties.

Armed with this information you’ll have all you need to make an informed decision about which wood planer works best for your needs.


Key Takeaways

  • The size of the wood planer needed depends on the width and length of the stock to be worked on.
  • Portability should be taken into account when selecting a wood planer size.
  • Larger planers with multiple blades can handle complex projects more effectively.
  • Motor power should be sufficient to handle thick pieces of wood with accuracy.


Understanding Your Needs

Figuring out what type of wood planer you need is like finding the right key to unlock your project. Consider how much it’ll be used, what types of woods you’ll be working with, and the size of materials you’ll be dealing with.

When deciding on the best size wood planer for your needs, portability should be taken into account. If you’re dealing with large pieces of lumber or wide boards, then a larger model is probably best suited for your projects. However, if space is limited in your workshop, then a smaller model might be more practical.

Additionally, blade quality should also be considered when selecting a wood planer as this will determine how effective it’ll work and how long it’ll last. The size of the blades installed may vary depending on their quality. Higher-quality blades are usually longer than standard-grade blades and offer more accurate results.

In order to get the most out of your new wood planer, research different models and features available before settling on one that fits both your budget and needs.

With all these factors in mind, transitioning to the next step – identifying types of wood planers – becomes easier.


Types of Wood Planers

Choosing the right wood planer can be overwhelming, but don’t fret – we’ll help you find the perfect fit!

When it comes to types of wood planers, there are three main options. The first is a handheld planer which features two blades that rotate in opposite directions and sharpen as they move along the surface of the wood. This type of planer is great for small projects and can easily be stored away when not in use.

The second type of planer is a benchtop model which generally features more powerful motors and larger blades for deeper cuts into thicker pieces of wood. Benchtop models are great for heavier-duty projects such as furniture making or cabinetry work.

Finally, there are combination planers that feature both handheld and benchtop capabilities. These types of planers offer maximum versatility when working on multiple different types of woods with varying grain sizes.

No matter what type you choose, it’s important to make sure that your blades remain sharp at all times so that you get precise results every time. Blade sharpening kits are readily available for purchase online so you can keep your project looking professional and polished from start to finish.

With these tips in mind, now it’s time to consider the size of the planer that will be best suited for your needs.


Consider the Size of the Planer

When it comes to finding the perfect fit for your project, an important factor to consider is the size of the planer needed. Depending on your usage scenarios, you may require a smaller or larger tool.

For instance, if you are planing stock that is only several inches wide, a bench-top planer would work best. Conversely, if you need to plane stock that is over 12” wide or longer than 20 feet long, then an industrial-grade planer is recommended.

Here are 3 key points to consider when selecting a size:

  1. The type of blades used in the planer will affect its cutting performance and accuracy.
  2. The length of wood being cut should be considered when selecting a size and blade selection for your project.
  3. A larger planer with multiple blades can handle more complex projects compared to smaller models with fewer blades.

It’s also important to understand how much space you have available in your shop as well as how often you expect to use it and what types of cuts you’ll be making on a regular basis before picking out the right size wood planer for your needs.

By taking these factors into account when choosing the size of your wood planer, you can ensure that you get one that meets your specific requirements and helps create professional-looking results every time!


Features to Look for in a Planer

Need to make sure you have the right features in a planer for your project? Look no further than the wide array of options available, and don’t let size fool you – there’s more to it than meets the eye. Tool selection is key when choosing a planer that will best suit your needs.

Depending on what type of project you are looking to complete, you will want to look for specific features such as motor power, blade speed, and dust collection capabilities. The motor power should be strong enough to handle thick pieces of wood while still maintaining accuracy and precision with each cut. Additionally, depending on the type of wood being used, you may want a higher blade speed for faster cutting action. Dust collection is always an important consideration since sawdust can fill up rooms quickly if not kept under control.

Finally, knowing what kind of features to look for in a planer can help ensure that you select one that fits both your project requirements and budget. With these considerations in mind, it’s time to move on to price and warranty considerations before making any final decisions.


Price and Warranty Considerations

Once you’ve narrowed down your selection of planers based on features, it’s time to consider price and warranty options for the one that fits your needs.

Buying advice can be extremely helpful when selecting a wood planer as the cost of these tools vary significantly depending on size, power output, and features. When purchasing a larger model, it is important to think about how often you will use it. If you plan to use it regularly then spending more money on a higher-end model with a better warranty may be worth it. On the other hand, if you only need the planer for occasional projects then getting an entry-level model is probably best.

It’s also important to check what type of warranty coverage the manufacturer offers and for how long. Usually, most warranties cover issues related to workmanship or parts defects but not normal wear and tear from usage over time. A good rule of thumb is that longer warranties typically indicate higher quality products, so look for models with at least one year of coverage or more if possible. Additionally, some manufacturers offer extended warranties at an extra cost which could provide additional peace of mind in case something goes wrong with your purchase.

When evaluating different wood planers, do your research beforehand and compare prices between stores or online retailers to get the best deal possible while still ensuring quality materials and construction. Consider all available buying advice from reviews or friends who’ve purchased similar models before making a decision that works best for your budget and needs.



You have the power to make an informed decision when it comes to finding the best wood planer for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a small, handheld model or a large, industrial-sized machine, there’s something out there that will fit the bill like a glove. Consider the size of the planer and all of its features, from blades and motors to dust collection systems and safety features.

Don’t forget about price and warranty too! With all these factors in mind, you’ll be able to pick up your dream machine in no time – faster than you can say ‘horsepower’.


Frequently Asked Questions


What type of wood is best for a wood planer?

You should consider using hardwoods like oak or walnut for your wood planer. Did you know that maintaining the blade is essential to achieve a smooth finish? Regularly inspecting and sharpening blades can make all the difference in sanding techniques. Investing in a good quality planer will help ensure success with any project.

What safety precautions should I take when using a wood planer?

When using a wood planer, you should always take safety precautions such as proper storage and dust control. Make sure to wear protective gear like goggles, gloves, and a dust mask. Keep your workspace clear of any obstacles that could potentially cause injury. Additionally, keep the area well-ventilated when working with wood planers.

What is the difference between a wood planer and a jointer?

You’re likely familiar with a wood planer, which is used for smoothing edges and flattening surfaces. On the other hand, a jointer is specifically designed to make two adjacent surfaces perfectly parallel. It’s also capable of flattening wider boards than a planer can handle.

How often should I sharpen the blades of my wood planer?

You should sharpen the blades of your wood planer regularly to ensure consistent thickness planning. Proper blade maintenance is key for optimal performance.

Can a wood planer be used to create rabbets and dadoes?

Yes, a wood planer can be used to create rabbets and dadoes. However, hand planes are better for creating these precise details than a wood planer. A rabbet router may also work, depending on the size of the rabbet or dado you need to make.